Non-partisan primary election
Non-partisan primary election (for statewide and local elections)
Non-partisan primary election (for statewide and local elections)
Voter Registration at Chippewa Valley Tech College 11:00am-1pm
LWV of Greater Chippewa Valley is oering a voter registration training session on Thursday, February 20 from 6:00pm-8:00pm, via Zoom. This session is open to our members and to the general public. To register (required) for this free training; please follow these steps: 1. Click here: 2. Members of LWVGCV will log in. WE don’t […]
A presentation of the cultural and history of the St Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin. This cultural event is offered by the Wilberg Memorial Library in Osceola, WI. Thursday, February 20 6PM Contact Wilberg Memorial Library for more details ((715) 294-2310) This learning opportunity was shared with us by Carolyn Saunders. Do you know […]
Voter Services volunteers visit UW-River Falls
WI Supreme Court Elections: Judging Judicial Candidates webinar, 6:00 pm Join the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin for the second of our webinars about the spring Wisconsin Supreme Court election. The second virtual webinar is at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25th. The program "Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Judging Judicial Candidates" will provide […]
Responsible Gun Laws and Policies Zoom Webinar - registration: This webinar will feature Terra Wiens of the Violence Policy Center, author of the Gun Deaths in Wisconsin and Nick Matuszewski of the Wisconsin Anti-Violence Project who will discuss the incidence of gun violence in Wisconsin under the current laws. Aurielle Smith, Public Health Madison & Dane County Director of Policy, Planning […]
League of Women Voters it time to be thinking green! Let the Shenanigans Begin! League of Women Voters let's get together and celebrate the Luck of the Irish. The 48th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade will be at 5 pm this year in downtown New Richmond on March 17. Meet in front of Warren Wood Law Office […]