The Friday Memorial Library in New Richmond has planned a St Croix County Judicial Candidate Forum and the LWVSCV has offered our support and involvement. We will have a presence at this event with voting information and materials regarding the upcoming Primary and April Election. This is a great opportunity for our membership to attend […]
Choosing a WI Supreme Court Justice webinar, sponsored by LWV Dane County Wisconsin voters will elect a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice in April. Now is the time to review the issues to consider when choosing a justice. The LWV of Dane County is hosting a webinar examining the issues voters should consider. Who makes a good […]
Webinar on Civic Health in WI, evening LWVSCV co-sponsor with LaCrosse
Seeking LWVSCV fellowship? Two coffee sessions will be offered once again—one in St. Croix County and another in Polk County—in an effort to accommodate everyone. Fill yourself up with some tasty refreshments, surround yourself with some good people, and you’re bound to feel great by the time you leave! Here are the details: DATE: Thursday, […]
LWV of Greater Chippewa Valley is oering a voter registration training session on Thursday, February 20 from 6:00pm-8:00pm, via Zoom. This session is open to our members and to the general public. To register (required) for this free training; please follow these steps: 1. Click here: 2. Members of LWVGCV will log in. WE don’t […]
A presentation of the cultural and history of the St Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin. This cultural event is offered by the Wilberg Memorial Library in Osceola, WI. Thursday, February 20 6PM Contact Wilberg Memorial Library for more details ((715) 294-2310) This learning opportunity was shared with us by Carolyn Saunders. Do you know […]
WI Supreme Court Elections: Judging Judicial Candidates webinar, 6:00 pm Join the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin for the second of our webinars about the spring Wisconsin Supreme Court election. The second virtual webinar is at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25th. The program "Wisconsin Supreme Court Election: Judging Judicial Candidates" will provide […]