Take Action
Make your voice heard! Get involved. Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Take Action!
Get involved! There are many ways to have your voice heard by elected officials and policy makers. Take action on League priorities today.
Defend Equal Access to the Ballot
Every day, the freedom to vote is under attack. Since the Supreme Court decision of Shelby County v. Holder that gutted the Voting Rights Act (VRA), at least twenty-nine states have passed ninety-four laws that make it harder to vote, with the burden falling hardest on Black voters and other voters of color.
Protect Our Youth From Climate Change
Climate change and its effects threaten the physical, psychological, and economic well-being of our nation, particularly our youth.
Support the Expansion of Voting Rights
Voting is a fundamental right, and all Americans deserve an equal opportunity to make their voices heard in our democracy.
Increased accessibility to the electoral process ensures that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote. Congress must know how the people feel: empowering eligible voters to cast their ballot strengthens our democracy.
Please add your name to show Congress that we support voting rights!

Program Committee
Social Events (Annual Meeting, Summer
Education Programs
Special Events
Reader’s Theater
Book Study
Contact Beth Wood (interim contact): bwood@frontiernet.net
Voters Services
Get Out The Vote Events
Voter Registration Events
Meet The Candidate Events
Contact: Patty Van Nevel: pattyvannevel@gmail.com or Rita Kearns: ritakearns54@gmail.com
Member Services
Member Enrichment Events
Member Recruitment
Manage Recruitment materials in
public places
Contact: Kathy Streitz: kfstreitz@gmail.com or
Irene Bugge (interim) irenebugge@gmail.com
Communications & Media
Website & Social Media
Press Releases & Research Writing
Volunteer Opportunities!
The Communication & Media Committee is looking for members who would like to write, research, and/or report on various committee actions, League events, and learning opportunities. Looking forward we hope to expand our
presence in various media outlets. The spring 2024 election is extremely important, so we are looking for energetic volunteers to promote education and information to the public.
- Do you have writing skills, speaking skills or graphic design skills, etc?
- Not sure, but you’re interested in helping?
We can use your enthusiasm!
Contact Kris Surbaugh @ aksurbaugh@gmail.com
News and Alerts Sign-up
Did you know you can sign-up for news and alerts about government actions in Wisconsin? The League of Women Voters will keep you updated on issues, legislation, and policies that affect Wisconsin voters.